Sviluppo e Sviluppi
giovedì, febbraio 24, 2005
Really important start point for Delphi.NET programmer in case of Bugs.
Quality Central - Project Page for the Delphi.Net Project
mercoledì, febbraio 23, 2005
Using BDP to interface an Access Database
I'm writing and ASP.NET application using Delphi 2005. I'd like to test the BDP Data interface. So I create an Access Database and try to use it as backOffice DB.
I learn a lot of interesting things to insert data in Access database. I want to show the steps I followed:
1. Insert in ASP form a BDP Connection and a BDP Command
2. Configure the connection: select Database and set Admin as username (no password is required). Set Login prompt = False. (You cannot have pop up login dialog from an ASP application!!!)
3. Create the Insert Into statement using the wizard. This wizard will create automatically the set of parameters depend by selection.
4. Insert the code to: fill parameters (BDPCommand.Parameters[i].Value = value, open connection BDPCommand.Connetion.Open, Run query using BDPCommand.ExecuteNonQuery and finally close the connection (BDPCommand.Connection.Close).
I've some difficult to understand the username and password to use (in ADO.NET you can leave all blank). I receive a lot of Exceptions during my test:
1. You must use an Updateable Query: It's depend by the Access DB that was Read Only (I don't understand why!)
2. A lot of Syntax Error in SQL Query (the word note is a reserved word in Access?)
Insert a DateTime value
I've a parameter of DateTime type. To set this parameter I convert it in String format. This works fine (no #, ' to delimit the value)
I hope my experience can be useful for some other guys
That's all Folks
sabato, febbraio 19, 2005
What about Delphi .NET
There are a lot of opinions about new release of Delphi. Now that framework .NET has all the features before unavailable for Microsoft developers (I mean a simple and high productivity library), a lot of programmers think the best thing to do is to pass to VS and learn C#. Read more here
venerdì, febbraio 18, 2005
mercoledì, febbraio 16, 2005
15/02/2005 Delphi 10 years birthday!
A great success a new way to program for Windows.
Celebrating 10 Delphi Years (with a chance to win a Delphi book)
martedì, febbraio 15, 2005
I'm in difficult with all this Acronyms.
In e-mail, forum, chat, to speed writing the use of this kind of "words" is the normal situation.
This page contain an index with a lot of acronyms.
lunedì, febbraio 14, 2005
Language Similarity
I need to use a DLL function in a .NET project (C# is the language)
I declare a Class with a static method as suggest in the help. I used this syntax:
public class ttE
public static extern UInt32 hllapi(
out UInt32 Func,
StringBuilder Data,
out UInt32 Length,
out UInt32 RetC);
In the past I used the same function in a Delphi program.
The import statement is the following
function hllapi(var Func:DWord ;DataString:PChar;var Length:DWord;
var RetC:DWord):DWord stdcall; external 'PCSHLL32.DLL' ;
In Delphi is not necessary to include this function declaration inside a class.
For syntax:
- DWord --> UInt32 (.NET type)
- PChar --> StringBuilder (It's a buffer)
- Delphi var parameters is translated as out in C#.
- stdcall is the default call convention for dll functions in C# so is not important to include in the attribute DllImport
So It's really simple to convert a code from Delphi to C#!
venerdì, febbraio 11, 2005
Languages comparisons
In this last days I tried to compare three of the most popular languages (=Environment): DELPHI,C# and JAVA.
I found some interesting suggestions on this site.
I think there are some points to be consider before choice a language.
1) If you know one language it'easier to use this one.
2) If you know two language you can evaluate the IDE and libraries available.
3) You can receive some inputs from your boss
I have some experiences:
JAVA as a lots of great IDE (NET BEANS) or (JBUILDER)
DELPHI as the same IDE very stable and with a lot of free components
C# is very connected to .NET evolution.
Probably in the future will be a good choice for .NET applications.Actually when I must analyse a new project I make the list of all features I need and look for libraries that implements this utilities. From this point of view DELPHI is great: you can find library (and I mean OO components) for every task you need (example: save a file in XLS in native way, save PDF, zip file, access in a native way to every kind of DBMS, realize a WEB application etc.). The good news is that almost of this features are free.
Other Links:
Good start point for Firebird development.
DotNetFirebird - Using Firebird SQL in .NET
Finally a new version of Marathon at Sourceforce is available: Click Here
I'm testing it and it's seems to be stable.
Note: You must define a Primary key to insert data.
giovedì, febbraio 10, 2005
Great article:
DotNetFirebird: Using Firebird SQL in .NET
Finally with .NET provider Firerbird will be accessible for all developers (not only Delphi) in a simple way.